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What To Pack On Your Next Adventure

Inspired by the interrailing trip through Europe that our new PS Paul Smith collection is based on, we put together a handy packing list to help you get set for your next big travelling adventure.

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How long has it been since you last went on an adventure? With so long spent cooped up indoors, dreaming of road trips and far-away holidays, is it any wonder that reveries of travel were the basis of our new PS Paul Smith collection. To celebrate its arrival online and in stores, and in tribute to the world opening up again, we’ve put together a short packing list that should ensure you spend your trip in style. The journey, after all, is just as important as the destination.

A Lightweight Jacket

The last thing you want when you’re on the move is to be weighed down by a hefty jacket or coat – and that’s where the versatile lightweight jacket comes in. You can thank recent trends for this practical turnaround: technical fabrics are no longer considered consigned to the realm of sportswear. Our advice is to pick something hard-wearing, like recycled nylon or ripstop and filled with down, for maximum warmth and minimum bulk.

A Good Hat

A proper hat isn’t just for summer. Sure, a bucket hat or baseball cap will do a great job of keeping the sun out of your eyes (particularly if you’re trying to get some shut eye while travelling) but it’ll also hide a multitude of sins: for example, if your adventurous escapades result in a bad hair day or you’re a few days deep into the ‘dry shampoo’ phase of your hair-washing schedule.

Your Favourite Sweater

When you’re on the road, home comforts are few and far between. You can’t very well lug around your favourite pillow, and we’d advise against attempting to pack your pet in your carry on. A little slice of home can come in sartorial form, though. But what to pick? A cosy sweater – preferably one in a mood-boosting colour ­– is our top choice for feeling right at home, even when you’re far from it.


Colourful Essentials

Shorts, tees, shirts. These are the bread and butter of your on-the-move wardrobe. One benefit of these sorts of items is that they don’t take up too much space. Plus, it also doesn’t matter if they get a little wrinkled in transit. Undeniably, they’re also super easy to throw on and go, and when time is tight and you’re dashing to your next train, the last thing you want to worry about is putting together the perfect outfit. 

Pass Times

If you’re going to be doing lots of city hopping on your adventure, it’s safe to assume you’ll also be doing a lot of travelling. And, while the destination makes up for it, constant travelling can be… well, tedious. Bringing along a few things to pass the time, even if it means sacrificing precious space in your luggage, is well worth it. Things you can use anywhere (ergo, without the need for sockets) are ideal. Go old school and think along the lines of decent book, cards and board games.

Wear-Anywhere Shoes

One of the greatest trend outcomes of the last few years is that practical shoes are no longer considered a style faux pas. Sporty silhouettes, cushioned chunky soles and technical, hard-wearing fabrics are all very much in vogue and they’ll make trekking around far-flung places all that more enjoyable (blisters, after all, are very much not in vogue). A decent pair of sneakers and, perhaps, some sandals you can dress up is all you’ll need.

The Versatile Bag

A bag is one of those things you need to think carefully about when packing: something too rigid or large is likely to take up a lot of space in your suitcase and prove cumbersome when you’re on the go. Instead, opt for something made from a soft material, like canvas or nylon, so you can easily pack it down when you’re not toting it around.

Just One More Thing…

Making memories is all well and good but capturing them? That goes one better. Whether your favoured camera comes attached to your phone or you prefer to go analogue (or even opt for something in between), we bet it’ll become the most important thing in your luggage.

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