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What Makes Our Friends Happy?

To celebrate the latest PS Paul Smith Happy collection, our line dedicated to comfy, colourful clothes, we thought we’d ask a few of our (very talented) friends a simple question: what makes you happy?

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When we started our PS Paul Smith Happy collection, it was about embracing comfort and colour: a selection of easy-to-wear, throw-on-and-go clothes that you can truly feel yourself in. But our PS Paul Smith Happy collection isn’t just designed to make you happy, it’s also about celebrating all the forms that happiness comes in.

And so, to celebrate the latest collection’s drop, we spoke to a few of our friends from around the globe to ask them what makes them happy and how they define happiness.

@thesunskater (aka Johnny Montero), rollerblader

What makes you happy?

“Dancing, being surrounded by nature and animals, sharing moments with people, traveling and obviously skating.”

How do you define happiness?

“Happiness is a physical or mental place where I can express myself freely, I am unworried, and I can let go of anything. Happiness is also being strong, because despite all the other things that could make me sad, I make the decision to find the people, the place and the things that make me happy.”

@laufey, musician and book club founder

What makes you happy?

Lots of the little things! Making music and reading books! They have the ability to transport me to a different place and time.”

How do you define happiness?

“Happiness for me is when I feel content about the present and optimistic for the future!”

@hamishpowell, florist

What makes you happy?

So much. Nature, birdsong, hot baths, sunset reflections on water, picking the right song for when the plane takes off. Flowers. Flowers make me happy. Happiness makes me happy.”

How do you define happiness?

“Happiness, for me, is when everything feels right. Sometimes things don’t go how you expect, or you feel in ways you didn’t anticipate. But when you consider and see them as part of the greater picture, and they feel like the right thing to happen, that’s happiness.”

@sophieml, ceramicist

What makes you happy?

“What makes me happy is to think how lucky I am to be able to do what I want to do. To be able to choose the people I want to spend time with. To be able to be where I want to be. To feel free makes me happy.”

How do you define happiness?

“Happiness for me is my friends, my family, the sea, the sun, music, colours. But above all, accepting that life is not always bright and colourful. I think the only way to be happy is to be in peace with the inconsistency of life.”

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Published: 10.22

Words: Molly Isabella Smith